Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Establishing routine

I made it into the studio today even though the morning conspired against me. Linda, Cathy, Gwen and Margot were in. While Margot worked away on a commission, the other ladies and I gabbed. Grabbing with my art buddies is part of my process for creating art.

Cathy is looking to jump start something new and interesting. We thumbed through some magazines, talked about various blogs and websites of interest, and planned possible projects to take on as a group. The atmosphere alone is worth the trip into the studio!

For now, I am just trying to live up to my short-list of new year's goals: making art, getting into the studio a few days every week, working on my website and my blog, and generally working through a few administrative issues that have been hanging over my head.

And getting some pictures up on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Your presence helps energize us, too. I'm so glad you made it in. We all know that inertia. Remember: when asked the hardest part of her workout routine, one world-class woman weight-lifter replied: "Getting through the gym door."
